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Hell College - Nostalgia

Donno ...Why I am writing this too.. but today while I  was hurrying to get to my office on time , I noticed THE college bus  in which I traveled for four years , right behind my car . Of course here are my  so called "nostalgia". Although it turned my 4 beautiful years a night mare.

I don't want to sound like some stupid literature nerd... but when Robert Frost wrote " And miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep... " he was SO NOT kidding. Thats how I felt four years ago ..and yeah a VERY VERY long four years they were!!! I almost cant believe it finally came to an end and (thankfully) I'm outta college!! HAHA.. PROPER LIFE !! not this stupid college that ive been rotting in for the last 4X365X24X86400 seconds..or so figuratively speaking.. u do the math...

Ironical as it seems i think im going to miss that HELL HOLE(my college). Its a pity that we wont have to walk up the stairs wondering when we'll be walking down them to go home again or whether we will be going down them again at all...I wont have to go to the HOD's room coz she wanted to "talk" to me... I'll miss all those fun times at lunch talking about how silly everyone else is..( yes.. we do put aside a few minutes for meals ).. Im going to miss having an exam every Monday,and tuesday,and wednesday... and EVERYDAY!!! I'm going to miss waking up each morning and looking through the news paper hoping that one particular building had been bombed by terrorists..or wishing that the rain had submerged it.. or hoping that it had been struck by lightning..I almost miss the excess texting syndrome to the same friend who is right next to me in the class.damn.... how can I forget the adventures we had just to skip a class for a stupid gulti movie.

Jokes apart... I've got to admit im going to miss all my friends and some of the teachers..( I repeat.. SOME of the teachers...) coz all those hours spent there have really caused a bonding... and thought i hate to admit it.. yes.. i cannot erase those years from my memory.. because there were some good moments... Like the time when Sirs(yeah our ladies jail had male faculty too) called me the "Dhoolpet Rowdy" and when he caught us sleeping in his class or when the HOD caught me sleeping in their classes SOOO many times or when Jayeeta Ma'm (Instrumentation Dept Torture head) used to check the notes and we used to quickly copy the notes we didnt get.. it was fun.. no doubt.. and blacky behind my blood for EVERYTHING ..I mean EVERYTHING LITERALLY ... im going to write a whole entry on that later..

I'm really going to miss being the coolest one around for a change :P .. coz everyone there was such a geek hahahaha( :P )

This ones out to all the survivors out there.... all those who r now smelling the oh so wonderful smell of freedom..from the clutches of corporate college!!!And for those who hate their new life already.. just remember.. we've seen worse...

PS: most of it is exaggerated . I did make some good friends for life there:-)  


  1. Meenal Soni04:08

    hahhahahaa.....tears (of gud memories ofcourse) and awesumm...

    Luved this ". I've got to admit im going to miss all my friends and some of the teachers..( I repeat.. SOME of the teachers...)" :P
